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Julie and Jacky - how a tragedy becomes a miracle.

When Julie, today twelve years old, turned ten, her parents noticed a certain disorientation for which reason they went to the doctor.

Sadly it was found that her eyesight became blurred and that here was a chance she would become blind over time. The tragedy hit the family hard. Due to their limited financial means they felt even more helpless. It was a very depressing time.. Until one year later when Julies godmother had the idea of crowdfunding for an assistance dog. They were able to raise 21500 pound. The family went to a sevice where assistance dogs where trained and found dog Bailey. Everybody was thrilled, but the excitement did not last long… Only few weeks later it became clear that Julie could not cope with Bailey. Despite Baileys good education the pair did not function well together, possibly due to the young age of Julie. However, the dog was rather a burden than a support which is why the family took the heart breaking decision to return Bailey to the center for someone who could cooperate with him better. On the day Bailey was returned Julie was devastated as she liked the dog even if it could not help her in her daily life.

After weeks of sadness, her up the family decided to go on a holiday with the raised money. They hoped that this would help. At that point they had no idea how this trip will change their lives dramatically. That is why they travelled to Bosnia a year ago.

Was it mere coincidence – or was it destiny?

On a sunny afternoon the family went for a walk when suddenly Julie heard a dog noise and magically she got drawn into a certain direction without seeing properly where she was going. Her parents were confused, but they knew they could trust their daughters’ instincts.

At the same time in Renata’s dog shelter, a young dog, merely older than a puppy, began nervously to whine and whimper. The otherwise calm and happy dog started to jug around in its shelter and Renata who was playing with another dog did not quite understand the behavior of dog Jacky until she saw a girl with a stick coming around the corner.

She jumped to her feet and asked her how she could help. The girl seemingly in a trance, hardly noticed Renata and walked directly to the shelter.

That's when the miracle happend.

Without thinking much Renata let Julie in the shelter and immediately Jacky jumped into Julies lap. Despite the many years experience Renata had never felt such a bond before. When Julies parents arrived they were touched by the scene – they had never seen their daughter as happy anymore ever since the diagnose. The relation between Julie and Jacky and the spirit around them was almost palpable. Without further planning they asked whether Jacky was available for adoption. Renata smiled but hesitated. She had to inform the family that the dog did not see well and this may cause problems in the future. The parents could not help but laugh – this would never be a problem.

From day one the pair was inseperable. During a year Julie gained much confidence and the team seems to be happy as they could be. Jacky healed the familys wounds and created a true miracle for them.

A street dog can change the world for somebody - you can change the world for him, too.

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